
60yr old female with giddiness

April 17th 2023 A 60yr old housewife came to the hospital with chief complaints of dizziness and loss of conciousness 3 episodes in the past 4 months.  History of presenting illness    Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 months ago when she she suddenly loss concious and fell.There were three such episodes in the past four months. In her second episode she fell and injured her right wirst and ankle. She complained of giddiness. She would experience giddiness when she would change positions. Such as sitting after lying in a supine position, and moving her head in an upward and downward direction. She went to a hospital in Miryalguda where she was prescribed medication for her condition. Giddiness slightly imporved, and would occur only when she would stand. Giddiness was not associated with: Nauea, headache, loss of vision, blurring of eyes, ringing in the ears  No history of fever or trauma. Menstrual History: patient had hysterectomy 30yrs ago. Obstetrics History: 4 childern First-

60yr old female with chronic kidney disease caused by NSAID abuse

A 60 yr old female laborer came to general medicine OPD with chief complaint of pain in lower back since 3yrs. Patient came to hospital on 21/12/22 and was admitted on 22/12/22 History of Presenting Illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 yrs ago she then developed severe lower back pain that was continuous. It was dragging type of pain. There was no aggravating or decreasing factors. Due to the pain the patient would take self prescription of dolo (paracetamol 650mg ) , twice a day. This happened for the past 3 years. H/O bilateral pedal edema Patient complained of burning micturition since the past 15days  Follow up-  5/1/23 Patient complains of no sleep. Past History No similar complaints in the past NO history of surgeries No history of blood transfusion Not a known case of Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma TB, epilepsy. Personal History  Mixed diet Decreased appetitie Burning Micturition Normal Bowel movements Inadequate sleep No addictions Family History Mot

40yr old female with psychosis

A 40 yr old female was brought to the General medicine OPD by her husband with chief complaints of abnormal behavior since one week. patient was admitted on 27/12/22 History of Presenting Illness Patient was asymptomatic 2 weeks ago she then suddenly starting exhibiting abnormal behavior. She was shouting and was saying that she heard voices talking bad about her. 1 Male and and 2 female voices were heard. She also said that her husband was talking bad about her character. She was saying that her husband was spreading information that she didn’t tell him. These small episodes occurred randomly throughout the day and had no pattern or any triggering factors. Patient was not able to do her normal work during such episodes. She was not aware of her abnormal behaviour.                                                  Follow Up 3/1/23 - Patient did not have any psychotic episodes. She ate well and also had  no sleep disturbances. Patient complaint of dizziness. Past history  No similar comp

60yr old male with ascites

60yr old male shop owner from kammareddygudem came to GEN MED OPD with chief complaint of bloating of stomach since 6 days  Patient was admitted on 23/12/22 HOPI patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week ago. He then developed bloating of the abdomen, it was associated with poking type of pain. the pain did not have any aggravating and decreasing factors. Pain was also observed when patient would sit up from a lying down position. Patient complained of polyuria and polydypsia since 6days. Negative History  No nausea No vomiting's No Headache No Anorexia No giddiness No burning micturition  No constipation  No diarrhoea  Past History  5 yrs ago patient was diagnosed with decompensated liver disease 3yrs ago endoscopy showed esophageal varices, as treatment elastic bands were placed to prevent further bleeding. Diabetic since 3yrs  4 months ago the patient went to warangal hospital with similar complaints , there he was diagnosed with ascites and an asictic tap was done, and the pat

55 yr old male with cerebrovascular accident

55 year old male with Cerebrovascular accident  December 26, 2022  55 year old male a goat Heder from Gouraram came to the department on  23/ 12 / 2022  with chief complaints of weakness in left upper arm associated with sudden involuntary moments.  HOPI - Patient was asymptomatic 10 days back. On 17/ 12/ 22 he developed sudden involuntary moments on the left upper limb associated with weakness and loss of speech. The patient was taken to a hospital in nalgonda where he was admitted and the following tests were done-  -MRI brain -CBP -Echocardiogram  - Lipid profile  - CT cerebral angiogram  - ECG -LFT - CT neck angiogram  -Renal function test  The following medication was prescribed-  - Metformin hydrochloride sustained release tablets ip - 500mg - Atorvastatin tablets ip- 40mg - pantopazole gastroresistant - 40mg and domperidone prolonged release 30mg gelatin capsule. - clopidogrel - 75mg and aspirin - 150mg capsules  - Cefixime and Lactic acid bascillus dispersable tablets  - Telmis